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Memorializing Blackie

Thursday, March 17th, 2016

Blackie was memorialized today by all of her friends..

Since today is St. Patrick’s Day, the kids donned festive hats and necklaces then gathered for a special egg breakfast in the MPR before walking down to Willow Creek where Blackie is buried. The kids filled their little wagon full of wild strawberry plants, garden tools and scores of wildflower seed balls. They also carried their very special decorated box filled with loving notes, poems and drawings to place next to her.

Everyone gathered at  her grave and shared their special memories with this wonderful small being.

Blackie helped teach the kids so many life lessons. Perhaps the greatest was that we are all connected and must respect each other. In return, we find and share great love that becomes the joy that fills our hearts and souls.


Two leprechauns on their way to say, “good-bye” to Blackie.



Blackie loved red, ripe and juicy strawberries so her little friends decided to plant them around her grave.



Planting strawberries made the kids happy. Blackie–wherever she may be above is probably watching them grow.



Are you watching, Blackie? These kids really love you.



Happily digging the hole to bury their beautiful box full of letters, poems and drawings for Blackie.



Blackie always knew that she was loved by the kids and she loved them.



Getting ready to throw scores of dirt balls filled with wildflowers seeds to make Blackie’s grave beautiful with color and joy.