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Letters and Drawings of Love to Blackie

Monday, March 7th, 2016

The children of Sunflower Sentry Garden are very sad with Blackie’s passing. They decided to write and draw messages of their love to take with her. We’ll post their love over the next few days.


Blackie. Sunshine. Peanut. Goldie. Brownie

Blackie was a very special chicken because she always loved all of the students that came close to her. Blackie was a friend, a good friend. And Blackie was a good leader! Blackie led a good life.





I liked everything about you. You are one of my favorites. I wish you were alive. To also sing a song to you.

Note: Barbara and some of the children always sang Roy Orbison’s Dream Baby to Blackie. She loved sitting on Barbara’s lap with her face in the sun–lightly clucking as she listened.



Dear Blackie,

You have been really nice to me and I will be happy for you.



Chickens singing, Sweet Dreams Baby when no humans are around.



Good by, Blackie. Chole. I love you Blackie.



Dear Blackie,

You were a good girl, Blackie. Blackie, I loved picking you up. It made me feel happy.


See tomorrow for more love.