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Farmer 1: I noted that Goldie is happy.
Farmer 2: Bossy Blackie pecks and poops.
Farmer 3: I saw the chickens eat.
Barbara: The morning Sunflower Sentry Garden farmers brought a Chrome laptop to the coop today. Their assignment: write your observations and enter them electronically for the daily garden journal.
Each school day they will complete their garden jobs: digging, planting, tending, harvesting and caring for the chickens. Then they will fire-up the computer and build their writing, typing and technology skills by entering their observations.
Envision, a small kid sitting on a wooden stump in the coop with a computer on its lap and five curious hens circling about. Today, one hen pecked the laptop to see what it was. She then pecked the farmer’s sleeve as he typed. Who knows, these chickens may develop their own skills and start writing a blog using their chicken scratch.
Stay-tuned.This is going to be an amazing learning adventure for all concerned.