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Farmer 1: I saw garlic sprouting today in the garden.
We dug up a potato plant and saw a bunch of little potatoes.
Farmer 2: I noticed that Peanut is takings lots of mud baths. All of the chickens are in the coop except Blackie and Peanut. All of the chickens are whining a lot. Sunshine is trying to get out.
We removed a potato plant to another place in the garden. The garlic is sprouting!
Farmer 3: I had an egg and Farmer 2 took it.
Farmer 4: I liked it when I got to sit next to Peanut in the hole she dug. She’s like a dog. I liked the garlic too.
Barbara: The kids always enjoy working in the garden but let’s face it, they can’t wait to get to the coop and play with their chickens. They treat the hens to nasturtium leaves, play a shuffle game with Sunshine and thrill watching them dig holes and settle in for a long dirt baths.
For me, I love the kids’ laughter and the happy chicken noises that fill the coop as all the small beings learn about each other.