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Rats! The garden has an entire family. They are always hungry but more so in the drought.
We’ve planted and covered the lettuce bed twice but the clever little chaps found a way in and devoured everything. They also ate the beets and nibble on all of the squash. Mind you, they never eat the whole squash but mark each with big, gnarly teeth marks. So far, they are not interested in the tomatoes.
On a happier note, the garden is filled with blooming sunflowers. A number of of kids have visited in the last two weeks and were thrilled to see that their tiny seeds sprouted and grew into spectacular plants. They also know that the rats ate lots of their sunflowers seedlings before tiring of them. Next year we are going to design a small plastic barrier for each seedling so they will grow tall quickly without fear of attack.
Rats beware, You need to find a new eating place quickly.